How can I help to support you?

Hello and welcome to Amita – Counselling

Do you get anxious over any or every aspect of your life?

Do you feel alone in a crowded room – like you’re on the outside, looking in?

Do you feel uncomfortable in your own skin – not good enough or unable to be authentic?

Do you distract yourself as opposed to sitting still – a human ‘doing’ rather than a human ‘being’?

As a qualified therapist with over 20 years experience working within health and social care, I understand the complexities that make up your individual human condition.

My background training is Humanistic, meaning I work collaboratively with you, the client, being the expert on yourself – there is no hierarchy in the counselling room. I aim to provide a safe and secure environment using three key elements – empathy, honesty while remaining non-judgmental.

I will work as a channel through which you can begin to take your first tentative steps towards self-discovery and self-acceptance. I will walk hand in hand with you through each session and endeavour to help you to help yourself by communicating with you in a down to earth manner, using unpretentious language.